[email protected] +1 916-234-3136

You build ML models to make your healthcare business more efficient and effective.

Let us train your data to make this transformation precise, unbiased, andcost-effective.

Complete data training solutions to power your AI/ML models

We label, annotate, and prepare datasets of medical imagery, video and text data that feed into your machine learning models.

We deliver Natural language processing (NLP) including medical text classification, named entity recognition, text analysis, and topic modeling.

How can heathcare businesses take advantage of our data labeling and annotation services


We train your data to help you build precise and unbiased machine learning models to discover new drugs, repurpose existing drugs, and improve your drug targeting efforts.


We train your data to help you build precise and unbiased machine learning models to reduce your clinical trial costs, improve drug targeting, or perform virtual screening of billions of molecules.

Medical Devices

We train your data to help you build precise and unbiased machine learning models fine-tune your sales and marketing efforts, boost renewals, and create better medical devices.


We label, annotate, and classify demographic data, historical patient data, health event data and even environmental factors to build precise and unbiased machine learning models to predict patient inflows, improve staffing efficiency, and allocate resources such as ICU beds more efficiently.


We train your data to help you build predictive machine learning models to identify high-risk insurance plan members, spot fraud faster, and forecast future cost of care, estimate the potential frequency of large claims, and improve risk adjustment factor (RAF) analysis.

Software & IT

We classify, label, and structure your data to help you create data warehouses to manage your ever-increasing volumes of data, personally identifiable information (PII) and personal health information (PHI).

Why choose Traindata?

High quality

We sift through your data, label them, annotate them, and create high quality datasets that feed into your machine learning models to give you precise and unbiased business solutions.

Speed and cost

We train your data swiftly and cost effectively to help you go from concept-to-testing your machine learning models quickly

Security and control

We handle your data with utmost care and security and give you real-time (predefined) updates on each project.


We possess deep expertise in use cases including search relevance and personalization for over 15 years.